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DIY A Simple Plant Terrarium Decor

DIY A Simple Plant Terrarium Decor

wjq |

What you need:

  1. one 1.2 gallon glass jar(you can click here to get one)
  2. pumices
  3. soil
  4. loose soil
  5. cobblestones
  6. moss
  7. plant
  8. dead wood

Then lay a layer of pumices on the bottom of the jar(2-3cm). You can also use sand(or other materials as you like) to replace the pumices.

 Next, put soil and loose wet soil on the pumices. You can use loess and chernozem as the second and third layer to simulate the layering of the earth’s crust. Also add more layers make it more real.

After finishing these, add some cobblestones, moss and plants on the surface. Then pick a dead wood(recommend sandalwood or birch) and put it in the center(you can adjust the position of the dead wood according to your scenery)

Besides, you can also plant some flowers like little sunflower or daisy on the chernozem. Design your new ecosystem with the elements you like!  

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